Thursday, June 23, 2011

God Loves Them More

This post is for a good dear friend who recently lost the person she loves.

It must be hard for you, really hard. Losing someone who is so dear to you. I have been there, and I still feel it up to this very moment. How can we ever forget their smile, their laughter? Only to find out we won’t be hearing it again. It was all out of a sudden. Today we were talking happily, telling jokes, stories of our lives. Yet the next day, they’re gone forever. All that is left are their giggles ringing inside our ears. All that is left are photos of those good times together. All that is left are sweet memories. All that is left are images on how cute she looked when she eats her muffin. All that is left are the press cuttings of that tragic accident.

But it is the will and act of Allah. Death is inevitable, sooner or later we all are going to face it. It just happens that those who we dearly love had their turn ahead of us. If we think we love them so much, Allah loves them more. All we can do is send them prayers and may we be reunited with them one day. That one sweet day where sorrow cease to exist. There will only be eternal happiness. All we can do is just pray for that moment to happen.

My dear friend. We have to be strong. Our life may seem incomplete without them, but we have people around us who will always complete the missing pieces in our lives, as long as we have faith. Life, no matter how cruel it is, has to go on. Allah will never test us beyond what we can endure, because Allah is The Most Loving and Merciful.


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